タグ: Vegan restaurants in Japan

How to find vegan / vegetarian restaurants in Japan

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There aren’t many vegan / vegetarian restaurants in Japan but it won’t be very difficult to find one if you are visiting a big cities like Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Kyoto, etc. Here I will show you how I find vegetarian / vegan restaurants in Japan.




As most of you must know, HappyCow is an excellent app for vegans and vegetarians and there are a lot of Japanese restaurants registered. Try look for vegan restaurants in Tokyo; you will find plenty of options. There website is here and the app is here.



When I travel abroad, I usually download map data of the area into my smartphone using the “offline maps” tool of Google Maps. Then I search for vegan restaurants and shops with HappyCow and mark all look nice as “favorite” in Google Maps. In this way I will never miss the restaurants even if I’m offline.

Searching “vegan restaurants” directly on Google Maps, however, doesn’t work well in Japan. I don’t know why but fast food chains like McDonald’s or KFC are in the search results…


Website of Japan Vegetarian Society


Japan Vegetarian Society is a Japanese NPO that provides much information for vegetarians and vegans. I often refer to their vegetarian restaurant list when I travel. The list isn’t complete and there are some vegetarian / vegan restaurants missing, but most of the restaurants in the list are high in quality.

The list is available only in Japanese but some restaurants have their own website and some of them are available also in English. Another solution is automatic translation by google; if you use Google Chrome, just right-click on the page and select “Translate to English”.



Or you can copy and paste the address into the search bar of Google Maps to see where it is.


These two tools, HappyCow and the website of Japan Vegetarian Society, are practical when you travel in Japan. If you are still wondering if you could come to Japan, just try looking for restaurants around your destinations.

Which is the best sushi-go-round chain for vegans?

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Which sushi-go-round chain can vegans enjoy the most?


In this article I compare popular sushi-go-round chains from a vegan point of view.

You may have heard about a unique type of sushi restaurants in Japan: sushi-go-round or conveyor belt sushi. Ordinary sushi restaurants are often very expensive but I would say sushi-go-round restaurants are almost fast food and reasonable. The quality of dishes are not the best obviously but they are of good value for money.

Sushi is typically made with fish as you know, but actually there are lots of dishes made with vegan/vegetarian friendly items. I myself often eat in sushi-go-round because it’s easy.

There are 4 big sushi-go-round chains: Sushiro, Kura Zushi, Hama Zushi and Kappa Zushi. The number of their outlets is more than 1,700 in total and you can easily find at least one of them in most cities. They certainly offer some vegan dishes and I believe it is much safer to eat in them than in other Japanese restaurants.

Each chain offer different items but, when it comes to vegetable sushi, there are not much differences. However, some offers more vegan options than the others. Let’s see which is the best for us vegans.

The sources of information are their websites (SushiroKura Zushi, Hama ZushiKappa Zushi). Hama Zushi doesn’t release information about ingredients but I checked the list at a nearby outlet.

(Note: these sushi-go-round restaurants offers dishes which you don’t find ordinary sushi restaurants like chips or salad, but I don’t take them into account as my aim is to compare them as sushi restaurants.)


What vegan sushi items you can find in each sushi-go-round chain?


Item Sushiro Kura Zushi Hama Zushi Kappa Zushi
Natto (fermented soybeans, 納豆) Vegan Vegan Vegan Vegan
Cucumber (かっぱ or きゅうり) Vegan Vegan Vegan Vegan
Dried gourd (かんぴょう) Vegan Not vegan (contains squid) Vegan Vegan
Inari (fried bean curd, いなり) Vegan Not vegan (contains mackerel) Vegan Vegan
Eggplant with wasabi (わさびなす) Vegan Not offered Vegan Vegan
Nozawana (green vegetable, 野沢菜) Vegan Not offered Not offered Not offered
Inari of the season (季節のいなり) Depends Not offered Not offered Not offered


As you see above, Sushiro offers more options than others. Depending on seasons, “inari of the season” can also be vegan; please ask the waiter. Even though the inari of the season is not vegan, you still have more options than in other chains as it is only Sushiro that offers nozawana.

The only weak point of Sushiro is that they offer natto only as gunkan (battle-ship roll, whose sides are surrounded by nori seaweed) and not as maki (roll). This is important for those who love natto like because some want to try both forms to enjoy it most (though many foreign people, and also some Japanese people, dislike natto…). If you are a natto lover, Hama Zushi or Kappa Zushi would be better options. Have you not had natto? Please try and see if you will like this very Japanese food.

Kura Zushi, on the other hand, cannot be recommended to vegans. Their dried gourd and inari contain animal products and they have only two vegan sushi items (natto and cucumber).

What vegetarians and vegans can eat at Coco’s

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Coco’s is the 4th biggest “family restaurant” chain in Japan and they have about 600 outlets all over Japan. It is not as common as the biggest ones like Gusto (about 1,350 outlets) or Saizeriya (about 1,050 outlets) but we often find it in many cities.


Options for vegans


Following are meals that vegans can have.


  • Green salad (グリーンサラダ) * the dressing may contain some animal product
  • Potato chips (やみつきカリカリポテト) * but served with mayonnaise
  • Potato chips with avocado and salsa (大人のやみつきカリカリポテト)
  • Rice (ライス)
  • Baguette (バゲット) * served with butter
  • Rye bread (石窯パン) * but served with butter


Unfortunately there are few options and no main meals.


The following seems to be the only option for main which could be vegan with some changes.


  • Japanese style spaghetti with oyster (広島産牡蠣の和風スパゲッティ)


If you don’t eat seashells you have to ask to remove oyster of course and it also contains chicken.


Options for vegetarians


Following are meals that vegetarians can have (except for the dishes that I already mentioned above as vegan options).


  • Pizza margarita (マルゲリータピザ)
  • Avocado cobb salad (アボカドCOBBサラダ)
  • Vanilla icecream (バニラアイスクリーム)
  • Chocolate icecream (チョコレートアイスクリーム)
  • Maccha icecream (宇治抹茶アイスクリーム)
  • Baked cheese cake (北海道産クリームチーズのベイクドチーズケーキ)
  • Danish (ココッシュ)
  • Banana crepe (バナナクレープ)
  • Zenzai (sweet bean soup) with rice-flour dumplings and vanilla icecream (白玉ぜんざいバニラアイス添え)
  • Bracken-starch cake with maccha icecream (わらび餅宇治抹茶アイス添え)
  • Japanese style parfait with maccha and soy bean pudding (宇治抹茶と豆乳プリンの和風ミニパルフェ)
  • Greek yoghurt with four kinds of berry (4種ベリーのギリシャヨーグルト)
  • Low carb Greek yoghurt with yuzu (柚子のギリシャヨーグルト)
  • Low carb maccha dessert with yuzu (柚子香る宇治抹茶のグラスデザート)
  • Low carb gateau chocolat (ガトーショコラ)


My understanding is that ordinary cobb salads contain bacon or chicken but the one at Coco’s doesn’t contain any of them.


Following is my conclusion.


I don’t recommend Coco’s to vegans and vegetarians


As you read above there is no main options for vegans. The options for vegetarians are also not as wide as that at Saizeriya. My recommendation is to eat at another restaurant if you have other options.

What vegetarians and vegans can eat at Saizeriya

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Saizeriya is the second biggest restaurant chain in Japan and you will easily find it in many of the big cities.


Options for vegans


Following are meals that vegans can have.

  • Celery pickles (セロリのピクルス)
  • Potato chips (ポテトのグリル)
  • Chinese cabbage pickles (白菜のミックスピクルス)
  • Spaghetti peperoncino (ペペロンチーノ)
  • Rice (ライス)
  • Sicilian lemon sherbet (シチリアレモンのソルベ)
  • Kid’s potato chips (おこさまポテト)

Following two salad dishes can be vegan with small changes.

  • Seaweed salad (わかめサラダ) : dressing to be changed to olive oil.
  • Chef’s salad (シェフサラダ): cheese and croutons to be removed.

As you see above, you don’t have many options but anyway we can take spaghetti peperoncino as the main dish.
Unfortunately all breads contain milk.

Options for vegetarians


Following are meals that vegetarians can have (except for the dishes that I already mentioned above as vegan options).

  • Salad of fresh cheese and tomato (フレッシュチーズとトマトのサラダ)
  • Corn cream soup (コーンクリームスープ)
  • Sicilian cod roe source spaghetti (タラコソースシシリー風)
  • Salty vongole (スープ入り塩味ボンゴレ) * contains seashells
  • Pizza margarita (マルゲリータピザ)
  • Vegetable and mushroom pizza (野菜ときのこのピザ)
  • Buffalo mozzarella pizza (バッファローモッツァレラのピザ)
  • Tomato cream rizotto with prawn and vegetable(エビと野菜のトマトクリームリゾット) * contains prawns
  • Petite focaccia (プチフォッカ)
  • Focaccia (フォッカチオ)
  • Mini ficelle (ミニフィセル)
  • Cheese focaccia (チーズフォッカチオ)
  • Garlic toast (ガーリックトースト)
  • Cinamon focaccia (シナモンフォッカチオ)
  • Truffle ice cream (トリフアイスクリーム)
  • Chocolate cake (チョコレートケーキ)
  • Milk gelato (ミルクジェラート)
  • Tiramisu (ティラミス)
  • Nocciola (ノッチョーラ)
  • Amarena (アマレーナ)
  • Meringata (メリンガータ)

If you are a vegetarian, you have many options like this.

Most of the desserts are vegetarian but you cannot take coffee jelly, Italian pudding and cinnamon focaccia because they contain gelatin.

I recommend Saizeriya to vegetarians and vegans


There are more than 1,000 Saizeriya restaurants in Japan and they have at least spaghetti peperoncino for vegans. If you are a traveler and want to try Japanese dishes, Saizeriya cannot be a good option since it’s Italian, but if you live in Japan or you don’t have other options, it is a safe option for  vegetarians and also for vegans.

I myself often have lunch at Saizeriya when I’m away from home because it’s easy to find and the service is not bad.

Are there any vegan or vegetarian options in Japanese chain restaurants?

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Following are some popular restaurant chains in Japan.

As you see, the numbers of these restaurants are quite big and you can find at least one of them in any big cities and in most towns. If you can find any vegan / vegetarian meals in these restaurants, you won’t have much problem in travelling in Japan. Are there any options?

You can find out details by clicking the following links (no link means that I haven’t studied the restaurant yet).

  • Gusto
  • Saizeriya
  • Joyfull
  • Coco’s
  • Sushiro
  • Hama Zushi
  • Denny’s
  • Kura Zushi
  • Kappa Zushi

I personally eat in Sizeriya most often but it’s an Italian restaurant and not very recommendable for tourists from foreign countries.

My recommendation is any of the sushi-go-round restaurants. Typical sushi dishes are fish of course but there are some types of sushi made with vegetables. These restaurants are also not expensive and good for budget travelers.

Japanese noodles, on the other hand, normally contain stock made from bonito or pork. You will have to find out vegan / vegetarian version of these noodles in special restaurants, some of which I will introduce in this website.