What vegetarians and vegans can eat at Coco’s

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Coco’s is the 4th biggest “family restaurant” chain in Japan and they have about 600 outlets all over Japan. It is not as common as the biggest ones like Gusto (about 1,350 outlets) or Saizeriya (about 1,050 outlets) but we often find it in many cities.


Options for vegans


Following are meals that vegans can have.


  • Green salad (グリーンサラダ) * the dressing may contain some animal product
  • Potato chips (やみつきカリカリポテト) * but served with mayonnaise
  • Potato chips with avocado and salsa (大人のやみつきカリカリポテト)
  • Rice (ライス)
  • Baguette (バゲット) * served with butter
  • Rye bread (石窯パン) * but served with butter


Unfortunately there are few options and no main meals.


The following seems to be the only option for main which could be vegan with some changes.


  • Japanese style spaghetti with oyster (広島産牡蠣の和風スパゲッティ)


If you don’t eat seashells you have to ask to remove oyster of course and it also contains chicken.


Options for vegetarians


Following are meals that vegetarians can have (except for the dishes that I already mentioned above as vegan options).


  • Pizza margarita (マルゲリータピザ)
  • Avocado cobb salad (アボカドCOBBサラダ)
  • Vanilla icecream (バニラアイスクリーム)
  • Chocolate icecream (チョコレートアイスクリーム)
  • Maccha icecream (宇治抹茶アイスクリーム)
  • Baked cheese cake (北海道産クリームチーズのベイクドチーズケーキ)
  • Danish (ココッシュ)
  • Banana crepe (バナナクレープ)
  • Zenzai (sweet bean soup) with rice-flour dumplings and vanilla icecream (白玉ぜんざいバニラアイス添え)
  • Bracken-starch cake with maccha icecream (わらび餅宇治抹茶アイス添え)
  • Japanese style parfait with maccha and soy bean pudding (宇治抹茶と豆乳プリンの和風ミニパルフェ)
  • Greek yoghurt with four kinds of berry (4種ベリーのギリシャヨーグルト)
  • Low carb Greek yoghurt with yuzu (柚子のギリシャヨーグルト)
  • Low carb maccha dessert with yuzu (柚子香る宇治抹茶のグラスデザート)
  • Low carb gateau chocolat (ガトーショコラ)


My understanding is that ordinary cobb salads contain bacon or chicken but the one at Coco’s doesn’t contain any of them.


Following is my conclusion.


I don’t recommend Coco’s to vegans and vegetarians


As you read above there is no main options for vegans. The options for vegetarians are also not as wide as that at Saizeriya. My recommendation is to eat at another restaurant if you have other options.


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